Board of Directors – Planting Hope, Inc.
Each of our Board members serves without compensation of any kind with the exception of our founder and co-founders Sonel and Olgulz are full-time Planting Hope employees. They are our eyes, ears, arms, legs, hands, and voices on location. Their daily involvement extends to the local community, caring for the children in our orphanage, construction, and hosting groups.
Each board member has traveled to Haiti and worked in the area of our focus. Each travels at their own expense and each contributes out of a love for God and service to Him. Out collective effort is to show God’s love by our collective efforts.

Sonel Dorsainvil – Founder
Father of new-born daughter and husband of Olgulz Bastia-Dorsainvil, Sonel was born in a small village in northeast Haiti, one of 12 siblings. He graduated school in 1995 and majored in electrical-mechanical engineering in 2001. He met some Christian volunteers from Charlotte NC and first came to the United States in 2002. He has since returned to Haiti and devoted himself to the vision of Planting Hope in Haiti.
Olgulz Bastia-Dorsainvil – Co-Founder
Bastia is first and foremost a servant of Christ. She is also known as a mother, wife, and friend. She grew up in Port au Prince and became a nurse in 2011. She met Sonel in 2015 and they were married a year later. Like her husband, Bastia has a big heart and is very passionate for her country and all of it’s people.

Melvin Little – President
Melvin is a husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather. He loves helping people in need. As an Elder at Grace Crossing, a community church of Christ in Texas, he serves in local missions. He is the founder and CEO of Justrite Pest Control. He owns a Marketing and Travel company and has a lifelong passion in philanthropy.
Guilene Ojikutu – Board Member
Guilene was born in Limonade, and raised in Cap- Haitian, Haiti. She moved to the states and obtained a degree in Physician Assistant Studies from St. John’s University. She is married to her husband Ayoade, and is a mother of three children. She is excited to be a part of a group whose aim is to restore and bring a message of hope to the people of Haiti. An extended biography for Guilene is available here

Godfrey Oneal – Board Member
Godfrey is founder and director of Leraul Consultant Ministries. He has served in over fifty countries as a missionary, bible teacher, consultant. He serves as a elder of Grace Crossing Church. Godfrey and his wife Georgeline have four children Angel, Gloria, Gabriel and Grace.
Kim Greenfield – Board Member
Kim’s first trip in 2002 was with Evelyn Boyd who started an orphanage in Cap Haitian in the 1980’s. On most trips I worked with team of doctors on medical missions. I have great compassion for disadvantaged children. A graduate of Texas A&M I have a Bachelor’s degree in Finance. I work as a General Certified Real Estate Appraiser, am married with a son Nathan Meredith.

Kim Redden – Board Member
Kim is originally from Tennessee and currently lives in Pennsylvania where she attends the King of Prussia church of Christ. She first visited in Haiti in 2012 to work on a project in Port Au Prince. She has participated in mission efforts in Mexico and Honduras and serves on the board of a local Christian camp. The resilience and commitment of Haitians to pursue a better life for themselves left an indelible impression on her and she has felt drawn to Haiti ever since.
Rich Quinn – Board Member
Rich was involved in missions to Honduras through his home congregation. The Honduran team responded to the 2010 Haitian earthquake on very short notice with medicines and vaccinations. Rich was one of the responders and helped transport medicines, then stayed on to operate generators and water systems. Rich’s skills in construction and facilities was put to work. Rich and wife Karen have 22 children, 3 natural and 19 adopted. His passion for Christian families is reflected by a lifetime of service to Christian relief efforts. An extended biography for Rich is available here